Friday, October 23, 2015


The following yoga poses are yogi approved and guaranteed to help you obtain the best results. Ready to get that perky booty? Here is how
1.       Bow pose
Lie flat on the ground, lift your heels forward towards your butt and hands back to hold your ankles. Keep your knees parallel. Open up the chest, make your collar bones broad enough. Raise your thighs off the floor by kicking in your hands. Hold for 5 breathes

2.       Crescent lunge
Stand up straight and then as you exhale, dip your knee towards the mat. Last for 5 breathes.

3.       Bridge pose
Lie on your back and bend your knees with your feet on the mat. Raise your hips upwards keeping your knees directly above your ankles. Hold for 5 breathes and lower for a rest.

4.       Locust pose
Lie flat on the ground with stomach facing down. Use all the energy in your back to lift your head, arms and legs as high as possible and hold for 5 breathes, then lower slowly

5.       Standing splits
Hold hands on the mid-section of your left leg. Kick the right leg as high as possible towards the sky. Keep pelvis parallel to the floor

6.       Warrior 3
During a standard crescent lunge, lift one of your legs strong of the mat and kick it into the sides so that your body is flat; arms and lifted leg are perpendicular to the leg on the floor. Hold for 5 breathes.

7.       Half-moon pose.
From the warrior 3, stick one hand on the ground, and another in the air. Keep arms aligned and the standing leg perpendicular. Hold for 5 breaths

8.       Reverse plank
Sit in “dandasana” pose with your hands 8 inches behind you and palms on the ground and fingers pointing towards your you inhale, lift your hips, straightening your arms, tightening your core, and squeezing your gluteus. Hold for 5 breathes.

9.       Goddess pose

Stand and motion into a squat position, hips at knees level. Keep your core stable and tailbone down. Use your heels to hold Goddess on the balls of your feet.

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