Friday, October 23, 2015


Tired of those loose hanging skin? Feel like having tight, smooth and shapely arms? Here are the top 10 exercises to help you get rid of those flabby arms
1.       Mountain climber
This involves getting in the “Get set” position of athletes. Start by getting in the push up position (back, spine, butt, legs in a straight line), then lift your left leg forward and the back, do the same for the right leg and repeat this for about 15 times.

2.       Planks.
Lie on the ground as if in a push up position but this time supporting your body with your fore arms. Elbows should be directly below your shoulders and body straight. Hold for as long as possible but remember to involve core and arms.

3.       Kettle bell swings
Hold kettle bell with both hands, keep spine neutral, hike the kettle bell your legs and use the strength from your legs and use the strength from your legs and gluteus to swing it out at chest level. Hands fully extended, hike kettle back between legs and repeat with a different arm

4.       Chin ups
Use biceps to lift the whole body from hanging position. Hold bar with arms at shoulder-width distance apart. Keep body as straight as possible; chest out and chin up. Pull yourself off the ground only using the biceps while exhaling. Lower back your body and inhale

5.       Aerobic exercises.
These include jogging, walking, elliptical exercises etc. they are widely known for burning calories all over the body, a great way of preventing flabby arms.

6.       Shoulder press
. Hold a dumbbell in each hand by ear height. Now extend the hands up to full stretch above your head and lower back down to ear level and repeat this 10 times. It helps immensely with fat.

7.       Push ups
Lie facing down, legs together and arms as shoulder-width apart. Place your palms on the floor and raise yourself using the strength from your arms. Your back and butt should be straight. Slowly lower yourself until your elbows make 90-degrees. Raise again and do 15 reps.

8.       Bench dips
Sit with your back against the edge of the bench and legs straight in front of you. Hold the edge of the bench with your palms to have a firm grip. Raise your body with the strength of your arms and lower back slowly until your elbows make 90-degrees.

9.       Bench press
Choose preferred weight and place it on the bubbles; they should not be so heavy but a challenge though. Lie flat on the bench and feet on the ground. Now hold the bubble with arms at shoulder-width apart. Fully extend out your arms and then lower down to chest level; repeat at least 8 times.

10.   Arm circles

Start in a standing position, body straight and feet about shoulder-width apart. Stretch out your hands so that they are aligned with the shoulders. Now start rotating them forward to draw circles in the air; Arms should be kept straight. After 20 circles, rotate backwards.

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