Saturday, October 24, 2015


Longing to develop your six pack in the fastest time possible? Here are the top tips of achieve your dream.
1.      Planks.
These help greatly when it comes to abs because they help strengthen the muscle and also burn belly fat. Lie on the ground as if in a push up position but this time supporting your body with your fore arms. Elbows should be directly below your shoulders and body straight. Hold for as long as possible but remember to involve core and arms.

2.      Up your cardio game
This should be done on a daily basis. It includes swimming, running, walking etc. these exercises are known for burning calories all over the body. Highly recommended because they will help you get you get rid of belly fat, the first step of gaining a six pack, and also keep your whole body in shape

3.      Drink plenty of water
Water hydrates the whole body and also helps greatly in body cleansing. This means that detoxification is effected which helps to increase metabolic rate, which in turn also helps in the breakdown of fat. It will help you lose any fat that might hinder you from obtaining your goal.

4.      Watch what you eat
As it has been said for all fat related problems, diet is the leading cause of excess and unwanted fat in the body. Junk and food with a high amount of calories should be greatly avoided. Food rich in fibre and lean protein is rather recommended. Remember, there is no way you can build a six perfect six pack with accumulated belly fat!

5.      Bicycle
Try out this, it’s really a great exercise for building a six place. Lay flat on your back, raise both legs. Engage your transverse abdominals to be pulled in and down, then raise both legs in a 90-degree angle; lower one heel slowly to touch the floor and repeat this for the other heel interchangeably. Do this for about 20 reps engaging your core.

6.      This is the most important tip of all, do all the exercises for about 30 minutes daily for the start and then as you get closer to your goal, you can chop it down to about twice or thrice a week.

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