Saturday, October 24, 2015


These exercises help so much with belly fat, burning it and are the first step to achieving a flat tummy or abs
1.      Side lunges
This is effective for shaping the butt perfectly. Hold about 10 pounds weight in both hands, and start with legs joined. Now take a large step to the left and lunge towards the floor. Push off through your left foot to return to default position. Do 10 reps for each side.

2.      Walking lunges
Stand with feet pointed and 6 inches apart. Step forward and lower your body to 90-degrees at both knees while inhaling. Keep all your weight on your heels and don’t allow your knees to go beyond your toes.
Exhale while pushing up to stand again.

3.      Squats
Keep shoulders relaxed and spine in neutral position. The chest should be lifted as butt should stay above the knees. A great notice should be taken on the pelvic; it should be pointed. Propel yourself into a jump. If jumping is uncomfortable, use simply raise on your toes. Hands should point up a well during the jump and as you land, move hands to your hips and lower your body into a squat. This should be done for about 15 reps

4.      Jumping squats.
Here you get in the squat position with the feet pointing in opposite directions. Then propel yourself upwards into a jump, straightening your legs and as you land, lower yourself into the squat position. Repeat this for about a minute.

5.      Bridges
There are quite a number of variations but to me, the weighted bridge is the best. This is done by placing exercise sand bags on your hip area raising the hips into the hips into the air then exhaling. Legs should be raised and feet and back kept flat on the ground. Therefore only the hips are involved and this can be done for 20 reps.

The most important tip is to repeat these exercises for 3x.

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