All so simple but equally effective! Follow the following ways to
help you get those thin, tight, toned and smooth-jaw dropping thighs.
1. Watch what you eat
Try as much as possible to
eliminate sugar in your liquid diet. This includes all energy drinks, soda and
even fruit juices filled with sugar. Try as much as possible to have on water
as your only drink. Also focus on a low carb diet.
2. Cardiovascular exercises
These include walking,
swimming, riding a bicycle. These immensely burn down calories. They sound
simple but they have a great effect. These help for all body fats including
belly fat. Do these daily. It is advised that you take at least 10,000 walking
steps a day or walk for an hour a day. Jumping rope is one of the most
efficient ways of getting rid of fat because it burns more calories per minute
than any other exercise.
3. Liposulation
This is when doctors use a
cannula and vacuum to remove stubborn fat underlying the skin. Please note that
this should only be done as a last resort. First try out the rest before
concluding with this because it is only recommended for that stubborn fat that won’t
leave no matter how much you exercise or watch your meals.
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