Saturday, October 31, 2015


Besides scoring a slammin' six-pack and super toned arms, one of your main objectives when you hit the gym is probably to sculpt a butt that just won't quit—and we're right there with you. But if you've been squatting and lunging your heart out to get there, you might be neglecting some of the key muscles that make a perky, round, Sir Mix-a-Lot song-worthy booty.

So if you truly want to boost your bum, you've got to try these moves from Rise Nation founder Jason Walsh (the trainer behind Jessica Biel's behind) to tone and lift your bum from every angle.
The workout: Complete the recommended number of reps for each move below.

Check out the whole butt-blasting workout in the pinable graphic below, then scroll down the page for a breakdown of each move.
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