Sunday, November 1, 2015


Every ladies’ dream is to have that jaw-dropping body and especially breathe-taking legs. That moment when you walk into office and everyone stops what they are doing to stare at you. Don’t have that yet? Well you are in the right place. Here are the 10 best moves to getting those head turning legs
1.      Warrior 3
During a standard crescent lunge, lift one of your legs strong of the mat and kick it into the sides so that your body is flat; arms and lifted leg are perpendicular to the leg on the floor. Hold for 5 breathes.

2.      Jump squat
Here you get in the squat position with the feet pointing in opposite directions. Then propel yourself upwards into a jump, straightening.

3.      Hip bridge
Lie on flat on the ground, facing up with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Raise your hips towards the ceiling so that your body, from your shoulders to your knees, forms a straight line. Pause for a moment and then lower down your body slowly into default position. Do about 5 reps.

4.      Chair squat
Place a chair and stand such that your back is facing the chair. Place it at a distance enough for you to sit on it. Now draw in your abs and push forward both arms. Now lower your body as if you are about to sit on the chair but pose just before placing your butt on it. Hold for some time and then stand up again. Do 15 reps

5.      V-position exercise
Hold the back of the chair while standing up straight, heels together and toes about 4-inches apart. Now bend your knees so that they form a “v” while slightly lifting your heels off the floor. Now raise your body to stand up again and do about 15 reps

6.      Split squat
Start standing facing one side such that one of your legs is behind the other. Step forward with the leg that is in front of the other. Now lower the “hind” knee so that it makes 90-degrees. The forward sheen should be straight as when so that the forward knee can also make 90-degrees. Now lower your body and raise it up again to make a complete thrust. Do 15 thrusts on each leg making sure the hind knee doesn’t tap the floor

7.      Leg circles
Lie flat on the ground, legs together and palms flat on the mat. Lift your left leg towards the ceiling, fully stretched, and start drawing circles in the air while keeping the rest of the body still. Do this 5 times clock wise and 5 times anti clockwise. Switch leg and do the same, repeat this exercise for 5 times

8.      Leg presses
Using a leg press machine, Challenge yourself. Sit back into the seat, legs holding the weights. Press on the weights and then lower down slowly. Do this for 15-20 times.

9.      Single-leg dead lift

Start in the standing position and then place all your weight to the right foot by slightly bending the knee. Hold a dumbbell in your left hand and then hinge forward at your hips by kicking your left leg directly back and bringing your torso to face the floor. Return foot to centre and repeat for 3 seconds before switching sides. Remember to involve the core.

1.      Side lunges

This is effective for shaping the butt and thighs perfectly. Hold about 10 pounds weight in both hands, and start with legs joined. Now take a large step to the left and lunge towards the floor. Push off through your left foot to return to default position. Do 10 reps for each side.

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