Ever wondered how to get rid of that back fat? Here are five best
exercises and acts that will get you singing glory hallelujah. But remember the
prone exercise is dedication and commitment. Enjoy!
1. Watch what you eat
As it has been said for all fat related problems, diet
is the leading cause of excess and unwanted fat in the body. Junk and food with
high amount of calories should be greatly avoided. Food rich in fibre and lean
protein is rather recommended.
2. Focus on toning
This are exercises that target a specific area on the
body. For example exercise with weights and machines. An example of such
exercise is a bent over upper back; hold weight and bend over by your hips.
Arms at shoulder height, hold for 40 seconds and repeat ten times.
3. Cardiovascular exercises
These include walking, swimming, riding a bicycle. These
immensely burn down calories. They sound simple but they have a great effect.
These help for all body fats including back fat.
4. Use of Dumbbells
As they say, start small; don’t over strain yourself
with these weights. One of the best dumbbell exercises are the shoulder
presses. Hold a dumbbell in each hand by ear height. Now extend the hands up to
full stretch above your head and lower back down to ear level and repeat this
10 times. It helps immensely with upper back fat.
5. Bras
Another leading cause of back fat is the bra. Whether it has a big
band size, it is skimpy, or you are wearing it wrongly. Therefore a fitting bra
with a medium sized band is highly recommended. Make sure you a wearing it the
right way.
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