Thursday, November 5, 2015


Most of the butt exercises recommended are good, but cause a lot of stress to the knees. Therefore if you have a knee problem, you might end up totally injuring yourself. Here are the top 6 butt exercises that don’t hurt your knees at all.

1.       Partial squats
With pointed toes and feet at shoulder width apart, flex your abs while lowering your upper body as low as possible. Don’t allow knees to go beyond toes.

2.       Single leg bridge pulse
Lie fat on the floor with feet parted about hip-width distance. Place a dumbbell on your right hip and hold it gently to keep it in place. Now lift your right leg and draw it towards your chest. Raise the hip so that your right foot is about the height of your left knee. Now lower your hip and do this at a constant pace. After 30 seconds, switch the leg

3.       Stability ball bridge
Place arms and shoulders on the edge of a bench and lie. Place your feet on a 30 cm stability ball and press your hips towards the sky up to chest level. Do 15 reps.

4.       Walking lunge
Stand with feet pointed and 6 inches apart. Step forward and lower your body to 90-degrees at both knees while inhaling. Keep all your weight on your heels and don’t allow your knees to go beyond your toes.
Exhale while pushing up to stand again.

5.       Side lunge
This is effective for shaping the butt perfectly. Hold about 10 pounds weight in both hands, and start with legs joined. Now take a large step to the left and lunge towards the floor. Push off through your left foot to return to default position. Do 10 reps for each side.

6.       Glute Bridge

Lie on flat on the ground, facing up with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Raise your hips towards the ceiling so that your body, from your shoulders to your knees, forms a straight line. Pause for a moment and then lower down your body slowly into default position. Do about 5 reps

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