Thursday, November 5, 2015


Don’t have time for exercises? Or even feel lazy to do them? There are people who could be having problems with their joints or bones but still want to lose weight, how do they pull it off? I say, they follow these simple steps and guidelines to the Promised Land.

1.       Eat a lot of lean protein.
For example white eggs, and all other foods rich in fibre and protein. These foods greatly help not only with health problems but also body building and reconstruction and also detoxification.

2.       Stay stress free
Avoid stress because it causes the secretion of the hormone cortisol which causes a build-up of fat in the body especially in the belly.

3.       Drink plenty of water.
This should be the only drink you take daily. Water should be taken in large amounts because it helps in detoxification, higher metabolic rate and efficient digestion. Try as much as possible to avoid all those other drinks with a lot sugar for example soda, beverages and vitamin water.

4.       Befriend the fruit
For example grape fruit, fruits help greatly in improvement of body metabolism. You should have fruits 15 minutes before any major meal of the day (lunch, breakfast, or supper). And avoid snacks whose calorie content is not between 100 and 250 calories

5.       Sleep
Eight hours of sleep are doctor recommended for a normal adult. Hormonal production, metabolism and nervous functioning are crippled by not getting enough sleep. This means that metabolism of fat cells will be impaired and hence accumulate.

6.       Have nuts
Having ounces of these a week can greatly improve your heart health. They raise HDL cholesterol levels (good cholesterol) and lowers the levels of LDL cholesterol. Their fat is a great substitute for that from butter in the body.

7.       Have green tea
5 cups of green tea daily work wonders because green tea contains catechins that help to release fat from fat cells. Avoid too much coffee because it actually does the total opposite.

8.       Don’t skip meals
Because this might just make you eat wrongly; you might either eat the wrong junk, or eat more during the next meal, and we all know how disastrous that is.

9.       Liposulation
This is when doctors use a cannula and vacuum to remove stubborn fat underlying the skin. Please note that this should only be done as a last resort. First try out the rest before concluding with this because it is only recommended for that stubborn fat that won’t leave no matter how much you exercise or watch your meals.    

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