Monday, November 2, 2015

9 butt moves that beat squats

Single-leg Glute bridge;
       I.          lie on the back
     II.          knees bent and feet flat on the floor near your butt and hip-width apart
    III.          keep knees in line
    IV.          extend one leg on your exhale
     V.          squeeze your glute and push your hips up towards the ceiling as high as you can
    VI.          pause and then lower until your but hovers right above the floor
  VII.          repeat without touching the floor
Hidrants with leg extension
       I.          begin on all fours with your knees hip-width apart and your wrist stacked over your shoulders
     II.          lift your left knee toward the ceiling
    III.          extend the foot straight out to the side
    IV.          pause before you bend your knee again
     V.          bring your leg back in a straight position
    VI.          repeat for 45 to 60 seconds on the left side before you switch to the right
       I.          begin on all fours with your knees hip-width apart and your wrist stacked over your shoulders with a pointed toe
     II.          extend your left leg behind you and slightly to the left side
    III.          it should be level with your spine
    IV.          keep your core tight and leg straight
     V.          slowly lower your leg to tap the floor
    VI.          squeeze your glute as you lift the leg back to starting position
  VII.          then slightly tap the floor about a foot to the right
VIII.          return to the starting position to complete the rep
    IX.          repeat 45 to 60 before you switch to the other leg
Curtsy lunges
       I.          stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands on hips keeping your hips square
     II.          cross your right leg behind you and step backward as you lower your right knee towards the floor
    III.          your left knee should remain directly above your left ankle
    IV.          pause then press into your left heel as u stand and extend your left leg into a side kick
     V.          repeat for 45 to 60 seconds before you switch legs
Heel-lifted squat
       I.          begin with your feet hip width apart and your left heel lifted
     II.          lift the whole foot off the ground and extend your foot towards you
    III.          with control push your hips back as you lower your butt towards the floor
    IV.          bracing your core to help you balance
     V.          don’t let your standing knee come out over your toes
    VI.          pause then press 9into your right heel   to stand up into the starting position
  VII.          that’s one rep, repeat for 45 to 60 seconds

Bear plank leg lifts,
       I.          begin in a plunk position with shoulders placed above the wrist
     II.          bend both knees slightly as bend your left knee to 90 degrees
    III.          with a flexed foot squeeze your glute and place your right foot up to the ceiling as high as u can
    IV.          pause then bring your left knee to meet the right knee
     V.          repeat for 45 to 60 seconds before switching sides
Single leg dead lift
       I.          stand with your feet hip-distance apart and your right foot a few inches in front of your left
     II.          the left knee should be slightly bent
    III.          blow your abs in and slowly fold forward keeping your left foot in line with your spine as you reach toward the flow with both hands
    IV.          pause then return to the starting position
     V.          repeat this for 45 to 60 seconds
Sumo squat to calf raise
       I.          begin with your feet about twice hip-width apart
     II.          toes pointed slightly outward
    III.          keep your knee above your ankles and abs drawn in tight
    IV.          push your knees back as far as you can  and lower your hips towards the floor until your thighs are parallel to the ground
     V.          raise both heels slowly off the floor with control
    VI.          pause then slowly lower your heels, that’s one rep
  VII.          repeat this for 45 to 60 seconds
Squat to sumo
       I.          begin with your feet about hip-width and your toes pointed forward keeping your knees directly above your ankles
     II.          sit back into a squat
    III.          press into your heel and pulse in this position as you turn your feet out into 45 degrees
    IV.          Then back into starting position.

     V.          repeat this for 45 to 60 seconds.


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