Monday, November 2, 2015

Five work outs for women who hate working out

For those who hate exercise simply because of hard metal fear over their heads, then fear no more here are five simple exercises to keep u in shape
1.      Hip circles
Put your hands in the waist and stand straight, move waist in circles five times each direction say from feet to right then right to left and keep breathing as your do this.
2.      Reach and tap
While standing straight set one of your foot in front and tap the floor with your heel simultaneously lifting your left hand up as high as you can with your palm facing in. switch sides, go back and forth ten times in variations, step your foot to the side and touch the floor with your toe.
3.      Knee taps, while standing straight put your right knee up to about the waist line and tap with the hands as you move it up and down before it touches the ground , do this 25 times and then switch the other leg
4.       Field goals
Create a T shape, bend the arms to right angles, elbows in line with shoulders, bring hand down forward and back to the original position above the elbows, repeat for 30 seconds, keep spine elongated and your face relaxed.
5.      Abs press
Lie flat with the neck relaxed on the ground lift your knees all the way up so that they are in line with your hips and feet and relaxed in the air, hands in front of your thighs and use your arms to press onto your thighs as hard as you can for 30 seconds not allowing thighs to move, pull the stomach in and engage your abs muscles the entire time and drive your knees back toward your chest to create resistance.

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