Stress is one of the leading causes of fat accumulation in the body,
irrational behaviour and some diseases. Not a good thing at all, right? Here
are some yoga poses that relieve and reduce anxiety and stress levels.
1. Easy pose
Sit up tall with a
straight spine and cross your legs so that you’re inner feet almost touch the
shin of the opposite leg. Hold for 60 seconds with smooth, deep breaths.
2. Bow pose
Lie flat on the ground,
lift your heels forward towards your butt and hands back to hold your ankles.
Keep your knees parallel. Open up the chest, make your collar bones broad
enough. Raise your thighs off the floor by kicking in your hands. Hold for 5
3. Cat pose
Start with your palms on
the floor directly below your shoulder, as the knees right below the hips. The
rest of your body weight should be supported by your palms and knees. Your
legs, from the knees to feet should be flat on the floor. Raise your back to
form a rainbow and stay in this position for 3 slow but deep breaths
4. Cow pose.
Everything is the same as
the cat pose. Only difference is that this time you should lower your back so
that it is curved inwards. Stay in that position for 3 deep breaths
5. Seated forward bend
Sit up tall with your legs
extended in front of you. Hold your feet and bend over bringing your fore head
to touch your legs. Hold in this position for 3 deep breaths.
6. Corpse pose
Lie flat on a mat facing
the ceiling. Arms straight by your hips and your outer ankles kissing the mat.
Stay here for all the time you want to. Even if you drift off into sleep.
7. Head-to-knee forward bend
Sit up tall with your legs
extended in front of you. Bend your right knee so that your foot touches your
inner thighs. Bend over bringing your fore head to touch your left leg. Hold in
this position for 3 deep breaths and switch legs.
8. Extended puppy pose
Lie flat on the floor,
palms flat on the floor and arms fully extended in front. With your face on the
mat, raise your butt so that your knees are directly below your hips, with the
rest of the leg still on the floor. Your back, spine and arms should make in a
straight line. Stay in this pose for 3 deep breaths
9. Crescent lunge
Stand up straight and then
as you exhale, dip your knee towards the mat. Last for 5 breathes.
10. Supported head stand
This requires a lot of
physique. It involve supporting the rest of your weight with your fore arms,
which are lying flat on the mat, and your head. Your feet should be pointing to
the sky with your legs and back straight. Stay for 3 slow but deep breaths.
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