This marvellous and miracle performing workout should be done twice
a week (Monday and Thursday; or any other days but keeping that time
difference). Make sure you engage the gluteus. The exercises are;
1. Sumo squat
Get in the squat position,
feet pointing in opposite directions; propel yourself upwards into a jump and
as you land, lower yourself into the squat position. Repeat for a minute
2. Romanian deadlift
Hold a barbell in front of
you, with your hands a shoulder-width apart and your back in neutral position.
With knees slightly bent, bend forward to lower the barbell as low as possible.
Contract your gluteus as you rise up to default position. Do 4 deep reps.
3. Lateral band walk
Fix a resistance band around
your ankles which should be shoulder-width apart. With your body erect and
knees bent slightly, lift your left foot and step laterally to the left. Now
lift your right foot and step laterally to the left in order to maintain the
shoulder-width. Switch legs and this time start with the right leg and keep on
in this pattern for 4 deep reps.
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